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Political bodies
Local politics concerns everyone. Anyone who wants to have a competent say needs first-hand information.
With the council information system you have the possibility to research the meetings of the municipal council and its committees, as well as the local and district advisory councils and to retrieve meeting documents.
You will further have access to the results of the meetings and the resolutions passed, as well as an overview of the elected or appointed council members.
The municipal council is the representation of the citizens of Calw and the main organ of the city of Calw. Its honorary members are elected for five years. The chairman is the Lord Mayor.
As a body directly elected by the citizens, the board decides on the principles of local politics. In contrast to the Bundestag and the Landtag, the municipal council does not enact formal laws, but passes bylaws and controls the administration.
The municipal council has the exclusive competence to adopt resolutions on the municipal budget and financial planning. This responsibility enables the city councilors to determine the direction of municipal policy. However, the municipal council can also propose projects, take initiatives and enforce them in individual matters.
The Calw City Council with its 26 members was elected on May 26, 2019 (constituent meeting on July 23, 2019) for a five-year term.
In the citizen information system you can find more detailed information about the members in the person search .
The municipal council is divided into several committees. All resolutions to be adopted are discussed in advance and, if necessary, also decided on in these committees – if they fall within the competence of the respective committees. About the committees.
In the four localities of Calw: Altburg, Hirsau, Holzbronn and Stammheim there is a local council, which consists of 5 to 9 honorary members depending on the number of inhabitants.
The chairperson is the head of the village. The local councils advise the local administration. They have a right of proposal in all matters affecting the locality and are to be heard on important matters affecting the locality.
The members and chairpersons can be found in the committee overview in the citizen information system of the city of Calw.
With the citizen information system you have the possibility to research the meetings of the local councils and to retrieve meeting documents. They continue to have access to the results of meetings and the resolutions passed.
The three districts Alzenberg, Wimberg and Heumaden are not independent districts and therefore do not have a local council. In order to better take into account the interests of the individual districts here, it was decided by the municipal council on 13.12.2018 to introduce district advisory councils in the districts of Alzenberg, Wimberg and Heumaden. These are to replace the district advisory councils previously used to represent interests.
It was agreed in the main statutes that the number of district advisory councils in the municipal districts of Alzenberg and Wimberg would be set at four members each and at six members for the municipal district of Heumaden. The number of district advisory councils increases by the number of municipal councillors residing in the respective municipal districts. With your election to the municipal council, the office of the district advisory council is transferred to you at the same time.
The members and chairpersons can be found in the committee overview in the citizen information system of the city of Calw.
With the citizen information system you have the possibility to research the meetings of the district advisory boards and to retrieve meeting documents. They continue to have access to the results of meetings and the resolutions passed.